Abtin Mortazavi
What experiences make you a great ambassador?
I think I make a good ambassador due to the fact that I’m in my 4th year of dentistry, so I understand the ins and outs of the university. Also, I’m Persian but grew up in Dubai which is very multicultural just like Brno.
What advice would you give to new students?
I would say that time management is key, and to start preparing for exams from the beginning - not during exam period because exam period is for revision not studying. Also, always seek advice from as many upper year students as possible to be able to formulate a plan suitable to yourself because everybody has a different way of studying.
What do you love most about Brno?
I love how Brno is quite small, and everything you need is easy to get to. I like how it’s a student city and you get to meet a lot of people your age from different cultures. It's also nice that there aren't a lot of tourists like in bigger cities.