Physical Engineering and Nanotechnology

This study program is suitable for absolvent of technically-oriented bachelor study programs with extended education in physics and mathematics. The aim of the program is to prepare students to solve scientific problems from the field of applied physics, construction of scientific instruments and engineering experiments in research laboratories and development centers. The subject of the study program is based on lessons from selected fields of modern physics, applied physics and physical principles of metrology. It also includes courses devoted to different experimental procedures and techniques in selected laboratories and applications of computers for modeling, construction and data analysis.
Graduate profile:
The graduates are oriented to the application of optoelectronics in the design of devices and instruments, to qualified usage of optical method in metrology, to the use of new technologies and nanotechnologies and corresponding devices for the surface modification for various purposes, to the use of computers for the design and for scientific calculations. Knowledge of physics and mathematics enables the graduates to work in various engineering areas. During their work on diploma project the students acquire practical experience either in engineering optics or in physics of surfaces and thin films. In engineering optics the student gains theoretical and experimental knowledge of optoelectronics, of sources, propagation and detection of light, of lasers, and of optical elements and systems. He also gets practice in application of general physical principles of measurement and of optical methods and instruments. The study of physics of surfaces and thin films is oriented to technology and analysis of thin films and coatings over materials used in various scientific and industrial disciplines. The student gains theoretical and experimental knowledge of vacuum physics, of sources, optics, and detection of particles. He also gets practice in production of nanostructures and in investigation of their properties. Creative work in modern laboratories is an important part of the study.
Successful and scientifically oriented MSc. graduates in this specialization can continue their studies in the three-years doctoral study programe quot Physical and Material Engineeringquot and acquire the PhD. degree.
Admission requirements:
First step
Choose your study programme
Check out the list of study programmes offered in English and make your pick.
Study programmes
Second step
Check the admission procedure
Admission procedure varies according to individual programmes and faculties. Please check their website for more information. Please, note that most applications will be open on January 1, 2021.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor studies / Masters studies / Doctoral studies
Third step
Submit the electronic application
After choosing your programme, apply for studying at BUT using the electronic application.
Please be sure that you know how the entrance exams will be and how much is the tuition fee.
Electronic application
Fourth step
Pass the entrance exam.
The admission conditions are published on the Faculties websites. If you have any questions, please contact the Study Department of the Faculties.
Fifth step
Apply for your residence permit or visa
Since you’re coming from abroad to live in the Czech Republic, you will need documents that permit you to stay for a longer period of time. See how to apply for a visa or a residence permit.
Sixth step
Validate your previous education
Before enrolling, you need to provide a validated secondary school diploma or a verified diploma from previous university studies. See how to validate your previous education.
Seventh step
You’re a BUT student!
After the documents are processed, you will receive a Letter of Acceptance and information about the first payment for your studies. Now it’s time to get ready for your semester in Brno.
TIP: Check our Practical guide on how to live in Brno
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