Advanced Materials and Nanosciences

The programme of Advanced Materials is focused on advanced (functional and structural gradient, nanostructural and smart) ceramic materials, polymers, metals, and composites. Basic research is focused on advanced methods of synthesis (or preparation) of advanced materials and multifunctional composites with polymeric, ceramic, silicate or metallic matrixes, characterization of their structures on various dimensional scales and quantifying structure-property-function relationships on the various structural levels. Combined research in the fields of advanced ceramic materials, polymeric composites, and metallic composites is focussed on applications in medicine, electrical engineering, power engineering, engineering, chemistry and building engineering.
Graduate profile:
CEITEC Brno University of Technology offers you a unique inter-institutional graduate programme, which in general is based on the CEITEC research programmes. Currently, one doctoral programme is available – Advanced Materials and Nanosciences. This programme is based on the cooperation of two universities and one research institute – Brno University of Technology, Masaryk University and the Institute of Physics of Materials of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Admission requirements:
1. Select your programme of interest
The most important step in the admission process is selecting the programme that is right for you. At this time CEITEC offers two options. You could study either the Advanced Nanotechnologies and Microtechnologies or Advanced Materials. If you have not selected your field of study yet, explore our webpages for all the information regarding the research groups you could join and work on your PhD project.
At this stage, you are expected to contact the Research Group Leader or potential tutor whom you prefer to work with. You can find all the research group leaders in the Science section.
2. Review admissions criteria, requirements, timelines and deadlines, submit a new application
The application itself is submitted via the electronic application: e-application. At the e-application webpage, you should submit a new e-application. If you are an alumni or student at the BUT, you can use your BUT pin to create a new e-application. If you are not a student or alumni of BUT, you shall register as a candidate using your e-mail and password. After creating the new account you should fill in additional information such as:
personal details (e.g. name, surname, ID/passport number, date of birth, contact information)
permanent residence (country of residence, permanent address)
delivery address (if not the same as the previous one)
previous study (high school details, university studies)
theme of study (select the professor, dissertation thesis topic)
payment method (only the payment for the application itself - related to administration fee 600 CZK)
Check the information you filled in the application once again, confirm (or change) your details and submit the application. You will obtain the confirmation e-mail. Read all the information and save the email for future communication.
3. Assemble your supporting documents
The specific documents you are required to submit are as follows:
A resume/CV (e.g. Europass). Please attach your photo (because of identification)*
A letter of motivation (in a letter of ca. 500 words, state your purpose in undertaking doctoral study in your chosen field. Include your academic objectives, research interests and career plans. Also discuss your related qualifications, including collegiate, professional and community activities, and any other substantial accomplishments not already mentioned in the application)
Bachelor and Master diploma (if you have not finished your Master education yet, you can submit your Master certificate when you graduate), and the Transcript of Records
At least two letters of recommendation (reference letters)
All the documents must be submitted in PDF format, in English language via e-application - column "Curriculum Vitae".
Tips for uploading/sending the documents:
We prefer that you scan a copy of your official documents and upload the file to specific application.
Documents should be scanned at the lowest reasonable resolution which is still readable. We recommend using under 200 dpi.
Colour copies are not necessary. Scanning in black and white or grey scale is strongly recommended.
Please do not upload certified, encrypted, or password-protected files.
Your scanned copy must be printable on A4 paper (or its equivalent).
You are obliged to send those documents via e-application. If there is a problem uploading all documents via e-application, column "Curriculum Vitae", send it via e-mail In the subject, please provide your Name and Surname (e.g. John Smith).
*By sending a photo you agree with
4. Review your admission status and follow the instructions
Please double check that you submitted the application and that you obtained the confirmation letter (a confirmation e-mail). Follow all the instructions you receive via e-mail or ordinary mail.
5. Interview
Each applicant is required to attend the interview. The admission committee is composed from at least 3 people who will interview the applicant. All of them are research group leaders, senior researchers or potential supervisors. The interview consists of the following parts. Questions regarding:
The field of study (0-30 p., threshold 15);
Potential to study PhD programme (0-20 p., threshold 10);
Existing professional and research activities (0-25 p., threshold 13);
English language proficiency verification (0-25 p., threshold 13).
The exam is passed by the candidate who gets at least 60 points out of a possible 100, while scoring of each area shall not be less than the minimum (thresholds). A maximum of 30 candidates may be accepted. Should more candidates meet the above-mentioned conditions, the ranking (by points) decides – the first 30 candidates will be accepted.
You will be informed about the results no later than 30 days after the date of the interview.

After two years of my doctoral studies at CEITEC BUT, I could not be more impressed by its high-quality infrastructure, international environment, excellent collaboration with universities and research centers abroad, among many other attributes. At CEITEC BUT, I have the resources and support from experienced scientists to solve the challenges I encounter in my research. Furthermore, Brno offers a vibrant environment for exchanging ideas and an excellent quality of life.
Student Ambassador

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