Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development

The study's primary educational objective is to provide the graduates with the abilities necessary to run their own small businesses as well as to work at positions responsible for the development of activities related to the running of larger enterprises or other organisations.
In its conception of teaching the theoretical background and the form of gaining practical experience, the programme improves the graduates' interdisciplinary expertise and skills, thus developing their potential for being active in developing all the key functions of an enterprise and devising business models. Here, the principle of interdisciplinarity is seen as a combination of the economic and managerial views in business projects. From this point of view, the general social objective of the programme may defined as the development of the entrepreneurial expertise in the sense of the economic and social development of a country's economy and improved competitiveness both for individual businesses and at the economy as a whole.
Graduate profile:
The graduates in the Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development programme will have expertise and skills needed to launch and run business such as a trade or a small company. They can identify, create, and assess business opportunities in the environment of global market, knowing how to make an efficient use of them, including a suitable business plan. They can clearly define the global social and economic factors affecting entrepreneurial activities being capable of taking effective measures. They apply analytic approach to finding solutions to problems related to entrepreneurial activities.
In managing entrepreneurial activities, founding and running their own company, the graduates can apply procedures for raising and organizing all resources needed. They can devise a suitable business model. They know, understand, and set the management processes of newly founded or developing business entities They can design and apply approaches to safeguard entrepreneurial activities in a way corresponding to the current enterprise growth phase. They define the position of their own business in the market value system and in the social and economic context of the business environment.
The graduates have experience and skills gained through their own entrepreneurial activities being experienced in applying theoretical concepts and knowledge in the real business environment. The graduates' competencies are based on team work and on cooperation of the team and enterprise with customers, suppliers, competitors, business partners, and other external interest groups.
The knowledge, skills, and competencies gained by the graduates with this profile can be divided into three groups – expert knowledge, expert skills, and general competencies. For specialised knowledge and skills, detailed fields are specified to by the below outcomes.
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